Friday, September 9, 2011

Here is the rear 151 timbersled suspension installed, the track is a predator 151 that I ported, clipped every third and I cut all the excess nubs off the track - at this point the track weighs about 42 pounds or less, same as the 136 I had on it! And, the suspension weighs 35 pounds as compared to the rev xp suspsension at 52 pounds - that's some major weigh savings!
Here is my Aluminum elan project, the timbersled rear suspension is being fitted.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Some old footage from 1994! This suspension is going in my 540 Elan Mod super duper sled! Check it out as it only weighs 35 pounds!!!!!! SWEEEEEEEET Swapping out the factory 540 reeds which always seem broken - with Boyesen reeds. The last run of the year for me, a nice day! Was also the first test run of the 540 that I just shoved in the sled, it would only run at about half throttle then bagged out by the end of the day (it had been sitting for 10 years:) Check out the build video for my modified élan! Well, it really isn;t an élan anymore, it's a complete custom sled! Watch it grow from a piece of stock flat aluminum flat sheet! Another video from the last run of the year, was pretty happy with the new suspension and 540, played in 3 feet of powder with no problems. A nice day at the farm with the boys, sledding and fire's can't beat a day like that! My 503 élan beats down an 800 summit! Well not totally but check it out! Another camp trip, good times with the guys! Movie trailer from our trip - this is funny stuff:) Blew a piston, actually, the c click came out of the piston! Before I had the 540 engine in my élan I had a 503, here it is in action! Breaking trail like a champ with the 503 élan, no one could tough me on this trail! Check out my mod 277 élan long track, this sled was awesome! Drift HD170 helmet camera review, love this helmet camera! Fun with the family, on elans! How much fun is that!

Here is the first real run of the 503 élan, it hauled butt!

Playing with some video, out on the lake with the boys and cutting trees down!

This is the start of it all, the first phase of my mod élan build!

My son try's to take the sled from Tommy, good times!

First run of the Elan 277 long track.

Boys weekend at Robs camp on the sleds!

Now this was a fun trip!

Rob and I at the camp, drinking some beer and having some fun:)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

How to remove your track and suspension!

Tundra/Citation Skidoo engine removal video tutorial.

Here is a quick guide to the removal of your engine, a very simple process but sometimes it might seem a little daunting. Check it out and you'll see how easy it is.